So apparently people are actually buying cakes with the sole intention of destroying them for a photo. For real, it’s a thing, and it’s called the cake smash. And if you’re anything like me, the thought of a celebration cake smashing, smooching or squishing is pretty horrifying. But that’s exactly what some people are doing ON PURPOSE when their kidlet turns one.
After doing a little research into this phenomenon it seems nobody knows exactly how this idea came about, or is willing to take responsibility for the thousands of cake lives lost. What we do know is that for the last 10 years it has become an increasingly popular addition to many 1st birthday celebrations in the US, and it’s gaining ground here in the UK.
But what is a smash cake and WHY would anyone think it’s a good idea?!
Well, essentially the idea is to put a cake- made and bought specifically for this purpose- in front of your 1 year old and let them wreak havoc on it. The result is meant to produce delightfully cute scenes, as your baby frolics with the frosting, demolishes the sponge and generally makes a giant mess of things. Generally to be shared on social media (because cute kids and cake is INSTAGRAM GOLD!).
Now this doesn’t sound like an obvious photo op to me, but supposedly it’s so adorable that pro photographers even offer smash cake packages to capture baby’s first taste of refined sugar. Because- obviously- we should be celebrating the moment our child starts to consume processed food!
And if you’re thinking about the inevitable mammoth clean-up, don’t worry, the trend is way ahead of you. Nowadays these photoshoots/parties often include a post-cake-smash-bath-tub-clean-up. Because babies and bubbles are a whole other level of cute, right?
Repeat after me: “Cake belongs in my tummy and not on the floor!”
Baby not into cake? Just bring cake to baby! | Pic via
There’s no denying that messy babies and cute cakes are a killer combo in the awwww stakes, but I still can’t believe this has grown into a thing!
It's a contrived setup, and most of the stories I’ve come across mention babies being coaxed into trying the cake, or worse, the adults squishing the cake up to try and get the munchkin to play with it! I'm not really sure how or when engineering Pinterest-worthy scenes like this, showing the world that your kid is having fun on their birthday bashing up a cake, was normalised.
I just can’t get behind a trend that willingly destroys DELICIOUS cake that was beautifully baked and frosted, it’s too much of a waste of time, ingredients and tastiness, no matter how good the pics are! Maybe, just maybe a cupcake mashed up would get that perfect 'gram, while leaving the other 11 out of the dozen intact.
Choose a cake that both baby and guests can enjoy
So if your little one is coming up to their first birthday, why not consider our new number one birthday cake instead. The vanilla sponge is sandwiched and frosted with our signature smooth and silky vanilla Swiss meringue buttercream, glazed with Belgian chocolate drip and decorated with a beautiful pastel buttercream piped "mosaic" - all swirly, whirly and florally. Put a slice of this baby in front of your baby, and I’m pretty confident you’ll get the same cute messy cake pics, without the waste.
If you’re looking for a 1st birthday cake delivered in London, check out our number one birthday cake, full birthday cake range or baby shower cakes. Get in touch today to order.
June 17, 2024
For me it feeds into the whole culture of turning one’s children into cute commodities. I wonder how much these things are for the children… or the parents need to show off their cute lifestyle. I’d take natural pictures in the park over this any day.