I consider myself super lucky - I really really like my mother in law! I think she likes me too, and not just cuz I ply her with cake on any occasion, not just birthdays.

Bombay Bustle Birthday Cake London

It's not even about bucking the cliche of having a "monster-in-law", "mil from hell" that's often portrayed in movies or bemoaned by some mates - I've actually seen my own family struggle with their tenuous relations with their respective in-laws and consider myself genuinely lucky to legit love mine. 

One of the things I love most about her is that she's always game for a good time and new experiences. For her birthday this year we were hoping to have taken her to Kerala in India as I've rabbited on about it but we couldn't so instead we took her to hot new Indian gaff in Mayfair - Bombay Bustle. It's not Kerala, but it's bl00dy good!

Bombay Bustle Mayfair

The interiors are like a train carriage, but a proper luxe Orient Express style, not the hop-on-and-hang-on-for-dear-life kind. X-ray was well behaved during the starters (which were a delightful eclectic mix of mini dosas and keema pau), and then went nuts so we had to tag team during mains.

Bombay Bustle Mayfair London

Luckily, after a few rounds around the block around Regents Street the lil terror nodded off and I headed back to see the MIL's face light up when they brought out her birthday cake - her own customised Oreo Softie Birthday Cake (but with Nutella)!

Bombay Bustle Birthday Cake London Mayfair

Indian food has had a renaissance over recent years in London and I'd really recommend Bombay Bustle in Mayfair for a fabulous Indian meal that breaks away from the boring ol' baltis. And if it's a special occasion, they're super lovely about serving your cake :)

Lots of love,

Reshmi xoxo 


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