If you feel daunted by making macarons, this recipe is for you. We use this recipe when we need to make smaller batches for our macaron cakes. It's easy and fool-proof and perfect for beginners to macarons.

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When macarons are produced at large scale, Italian Meringue method is the way to go. There is a much higher tolerance in the recipe. This one time (in band camp, iykyk), we even missed 2 or 3 litres of egg whites and it was just fine! We don't fold by hand (you physically could not fold 30 quarts of dough evenly) and everything is a lot easier to time. When they are made at much smaller quantities, 50-100 macarons, every minute and every fold counts.

Italian meringue method needs a thermometer though. So what's a baker to do with macarons to make and no thermometer? Adapt and improvise, but not through guess-work. I searched high and low for a French Meringue macaron method that does not call for a sugar thermometer and found Brave Tart's recipe. Why did I choose to use hers as a starting point? Because I liked the way she wrote - she quashed a lot of common fussy conditions that many bakers, including myself, swear by, and defends her recipe like a true mac-warrior. I tested her recipe 5 times, with the first time yielding astonishing results - IT WORKED. Sure, it wasn't 10/10 perfect the first time, and I was so incredibly nervous and feeling under-equipped without my thermometer but it only took a few more batches to finding my perfect "feet". I tweaked along the way and learnt from each batch and I am so happy to share my results.

Macaron Recipe Easy Quick Fool Proof

The beauty of this recipe is that it shaves off a lot of time - no weighing up of different measures of egg whites/sugars/water, no extra washing up from boiling sugar syrup, and NO WAITING for half an hour for piped batter to form a skin! I made a variety of flavours in just a few hours and was doing happy skips all day.

The observations I made throughout the batches has helped me perfect this and make it work for us. Here they are:

Macaron Making Tips

Egg Whites

Quality - It matters. I used barn farmed (ie: sad caged hens) egg whites for my test batches. The meringue just was not whipping up. It remained "soupy", perhaps due to a higher water content. Switched over to good quality free-range egg whites, and the meringue stiffened right up just as it should.  

Temperature - It matters. I used free range egg whites straight from the fridge and the meringue did not stiffen up as well as the room temp egg whites.

Macaronage ie the folding of meringue into the dry ingredients

Changing over from Italian meringue to French meringue was quite alarming. Both turn glossy but Italian meringue is a LOT stiffer, and French meringue is airier. Using a smaller bendy rubber spatula to fold smaller batches is key, and being gentle is advisable. It literally takes seconds from "just right" to over-folded. I found that folding just till a few light lumps are still visible is a safe bet and it evens out at the piping stage.

Oven Temperature

The original recipe calls for 148-149 Celsius. As we use a commercial oven 148 was actually too hot and caused the shells to crack and no feet (when temperature is too high, batter rises too quickly causing cracks and no feet). I then dropped the temp down to 140 for another batch and found teeny tiny feet. So finally I have found the holy grail for my oven, 144 Celsius, which gave lovely even frilly feet.

Every recipe needs work. After my week of failed batches I told myself that a warrior works through finding a way to make things work, and Stella's blog post helped me buckle up and get my groove back - Big Thanks Stella!

Here's my version of the Brave Tart's recipe that is adjusted for measurements of ingredients and temperature:

French Meringue Macarons Recipe


(Makes approx. 60 macarons ie 120 shells)

120g ground almonds

230g icing sugar 

140g egg whites, free-range and room temp

70g caster sugar

pinch of salt

pinch of powder colouring, optional


1. Pre-heat oven to 143-148 degrees Celsius (you may have to test this out with your own oven). Pulse together the ground almonds and icing sugar in a food processor. I didn't bother sifting and it has had no effect on my results but if you want you can - it certainly doesn't hurt.

2. Place egg whites, sugar and salt into a SQUEAKY CLEAN (no trace of grease) electric mixer bowl and whip with a whisk attachment on just below medium speed (4 on KitchenAid) for 3 minutes. It should look like toothpaste foam by the end - loose, white and frothy.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

3. Crank up the speed on the mixer to medium-high (7 on Kitchen Aid) for another three minutes. It should start looking like thicker shaving foam. Then, crank it up further to high (8 on KitchenAid) for another 3 minutes - this is where it stiffens up and clumps into the whisk attachment.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

4. Add in any colouring desired (powder/gel only) and whip at the highest setting (10 on KitchenAid) for another minute and you're ready for the Macaronage. Remember, by now if you have not reached a stiff meringue, ditch it and re-start with new egg whites and a really clean bowl. Save your almonds!

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

5. Throw in the dry ingredients into the meringue at once and using a small bendy rubber spatula gently fold the meringue into the dry stuff.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

Use even circular folding motions to bring in the meringue from the sides of the bowl into the powders through the middle.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

You will need a maximum of 25-27 folds. If you keep folding till all lumps disappear I'm afraid you would have gone too far.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

The batter needs to flow slowly, even if with a few smallish lumps.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

6. Prep a piping bag with a 1cm round nozzle and fill it with a few ladles of the batter. Pipe on a silpat/parchment lined baking tray in small 2cm discs with gaps of about 3-4 cm in between each.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

You can use this A4 template under your mat if you want (just remember to slide it out once you're done piping!).

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

Lift up the tray once piped and tap it against the work surface twice before sliding it straight into the pre-heated oven to bake for 16-18 minutes. You heard me right, NO WAITING BEFORE BAKING!

7. Once baked, pull them out and let cool on their mats.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool Proof

You can now fill them with anything - Swiss meringue buttercream, ganache, or ice cream. I've filled these with vanilla and raspberry Swiss meringue buttercream and I love the cute contrast.

Macaron Recipe - Easy Quick Fool ProofLet me know how this works out for you in the comments! And check out our Macaron Cakes with Free London delivery.

Lots of love,

Reshmi xoxo 

11 Responses

Laura Stoner

Laura Stoner

August 24, 2020

I have achieved “feeties” first time using the French Method, or putting caster sugar into the mix, split the batter into 3 before colouring and flavouring, apart from dropping a tray they are spot on. Making more when the replacement ingredients arrive x



January 11, 2020

Can you use refrigerated batter? Does it really matter what kind of flour you use?



October 20, 2019

Hi! I’m trying to make macaroons but sugar free… I’m replacing the sugar with swerve confectioners, and although the mix dries like the regular recipes said it should I don’t know if it’s really possible to make macaroons that looks the same that the regular ones but make keto friendly… any advice?



May 30, 2018

How far in advance can these be made?

Lizy Abrams

Lizy Abrams

April 26, 2018


would you say this recipe is fool proof because the amount of sugar in it is almost double to others recipes like for example Hermes recipe which ingredients are: 135 g egg white, 135 g almonds, 136 g icing sugar, 100 g g whites and 35 g of water.
Is it that the more sugar the more forgiving a macaron recipe becomes?




March 19, 2018

The best recipe ever! Thank you!



January 12, 2018

Hello if i want to make it chocolate…how much powdered cocoa should i add? will it affect the macaron? and also if i want to let the macaron sit for a while will it affect the cooking process???



December 11, 2017

Ok yes! You are amazing – I was a mac-whiz in the kitchen this past weekend thanks to you. this recipe is the best. Thank you!



May 13, 2017

Hi, thanks for your receipe. May i know if i can scale down this recipe since i wanted an even smaller batch?

Sheila S.

Sheila S.

February 24, 2017

I have to say that these are truly fool proof! This was the 4th recipe I tried and didn’t use any of the ‘tips’ others had given such as letting dry for an hour, baking with a wooden spoon in the door, aging the egg whites over night, etc. Sooooo easy and they turn out GREAT every. single. time. Thank you so much!!

Sally Thomas

Sally Thomas

September 08, 2016

Hi there!

I’ve been trying for ages to get the perfect French meringue recipe! One question – do you age your egg yolks or are they straight from the fridge?

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