[Updated 20/11/2023] If you’re the naturally cautious type that reads the fine print on everything to avoid surprises, then the thought of ordering a bespoke wedding cake will probably bring you out in hives.

I mean, so many things can go wrong, right?

Wedding Cake Fail

If willy turrets were part of the bespoke brief...then NAILED IT!

It’s probably the most expensive cake you’ll ever buy, and you’re not even going to see it before the big day! That’s some scary stuff right there.

The Beauty of Bespoke

But before you freak out and decide you’re far better off playing it safe and picking an existing cake from a baker’s portfolio, wait! It doesn’t have to be a process fraught with unknowns, and in fact, it is a gloriously beautiful thing to have something made just for you.

Unlike a lot of the other parts of the wedding which require compromise—tables must be configured in a fixed way, certain flowers aren’t in season, etc.—a bespoke wedding cake is your chance to indulge in your most favourite flavours and decorations that mean something to you and yours.

Pro Tips for Your Perfect Cake

So, to ensure you end up with the perfect personalised wedding cake that has every guest impatient for the cake cutting to begin, make sure you follow my pro advice:

  • Find a cake maker that makes the kind of cake you love and get them to make you a cake.

That’s it really. It all starts with the right baker and the rest sorts itself out from there.

The Pinterest Pitfall

So, I know you’ve been trawling Pinterest and have a board titled ‘Wedding Cake Goals’ with 327 pins on it, but have you thought about who is actually going to make this dream cake for you? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge procras-pin-ator, and it’s amazing for getting ideas, but it can also make it hard to find amazing talent in your area/country as you obsess over stuff that’s already been done.

Collaborate with Your Cake Maker

You might be lucky enough to get a recommendation for a cake maker, but before you know it, you’re sending them pics of the exact cake you want them to replicate. The danger of doing it this way is that you’re not leaving them any room to do what they’re really good at.

Instead of getting a fixed idea of your wedding cake, find a baker whose stuff you like the look of or who comes recommended and work with them.

Your bespoke cake will be a million times better if you play to their strengths and you’ll end up with something far more original. Because why would you want a replica of a cake that’s been shared 6.4k times on Pinterest anyway? That doesn’t sound very special, does it?

Trusting the Process

Ok, so now you’ve followed my advice, found an ace baker, and they’ve come up with an idea that you love. Are you really expected to hand over your cash without seeing the thing?

The short answer is YES.

This is where research and trust come in. If you’ve looked at the cake maker’s website, talked to them, tasted some of their cake, got a recommendation, now is the time to TRUST in the professional.

If the baker is experienced in the style of cake you’re after, you should have a good idea of what your cake will look like and can relax.

A Style to Remember

For example, you wouldn’t come to Anges if you’d been dreaming of an 8-tier white fondant flowery flight of fancy like this:

Sylvia Weinstock

Cake by Sylvia Weinstock, image via fashionablebride.com

And that’s because we rock the buttercream and ganache. We know our mediums inside out, we’ve spent ages figuring out exactly how to deliver the beauties, and we have a style that makes me do a little happy dance every time we finish making a cake. We could do you something with sugar flowers and rolled fondant icing, but that would kind of be like not using our superpowers. Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

Bespoke Wedding Cake

Breaking Tradition

One final word on the perils of a bespoke wedding cake: you don’t have to be tied to tradition like you used to. Ok, that was more than one final word, my bad. But what I’m getting at is that, whatever your style or wedding theme, we are so fortunate to have a zillion amazing cake makers in London alone AND more free reign than ever to decide how we want to do things. It would almost be a crime to miss such an opportunity to have a ridiculously amazing cake at your wedding that is so completely ‘you’.

So go on, be brave and go bespoke!

If you’re looking for a modern bespoke wedding cake in London, get in touch today to have a chat about how we can create something uniquely you: hello@angesdesucre.com

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