[Updated 20/11/2023]

Being a small business owner, finding time for yourself, let alone friends and family, can be incredibly challenging. When I finally achieved a better work-life balance, I celebrated by opening a shop! However, amidst the new set of challenges at Anges, my social life took a back seat. I skipped friends' weddings, neglected family gatherings for Durga Puja (a Bengali Christmas), and hit a low point when I failed to make an effort for my husband's 30th birthday—a milestone that deserves celebration, whether with a massive party or a small birthday cake.

Birthday Cake Celebrations

Why oh WHY did I not at least make a cake for my love on his birthday when I make them for others!? Aargh, I hate myself!

The significance of birthdays hit me like a ton of bricks leading up to June 8th. Why is this date relevant? Besides being declared "National Best Friends Day," it's also my best friend's birthday. Nina, my first friend and housemate in the UK during uni, was an all-around awesome chick. She loved birthday parties in Regent's Park with Pimms, picnics, Twister games (often in inappropriate clothing!), and, of course, cake—sometimes dodgy home-bakes, sometimes equally dodgy shop-bought ones. But there was always a birthday cake to indulge in.

Nina's Birthday in Regents Park London

Pigging out in a park. We did that a lot. Me, Nina, and MindyMugoo.

Nina's untimely passing cast a dark shadow, and even with time, the pain lingers. I miss sharing things with her, having a friend to whinge to and make me feel better. I'm sad she's not here to witness Anges' growth, and I miss her birthday parties.

Cupcakes For Nina's Birthday

Cupcakes and tea for MindyMugoo and me

In her memory, we chipped in for a park bench. Initially, visiting felt vacant, but over the years, it became a cherished ritual. On Nina's last birthday, my friend and I took cupcakes and tea, sat on the bench, and nattered as we would if Nina were there—catching up and giggling.

Doughnut Cookie Monster Cake

I realize how privileged I am to have known her and to have such wonderful memories. Each birthday is an opportunity to celebrate, big or small. We don't have many days to mark milestones, so every birthday should be a big deal. We don't have many days when we can eat half a cake without feeling excessive! So, at the very least, everyone should have a birthday cake, and I'll be getting an awesome one for my love's next birthday, no matter how busy I am. I already know he likes this one! Is that forward-thinking or what!? *pats herself on the back*

This week has been emotional, and this post made me bawl like a baby. Or maybe it was Charlie Puth's 'See You Again' on the radio. Oh well, the floodgates are open now! I hope it inspires you, even in the tiniest ways, for your next birthday celebration.

Lots of love,

Reshmi xoxo

Take a peek at our birthday cakes and buy one now!

2 Responses



June 11, 2015

Could not agree more. My Aunty passed away yesterday :-( not to hijack the post but I had a card rolling around in my handbag with a very long quickly written message inside telling her how amazing I thought she was. I only managed to post it yesterday and it was 20hrs too late – my biggest regret is overthinking things or worse, being too busy to be bothered. Well done for posting Reshmi xx



June 11, 2015

little tears beautifully written Hun and so true… Getting old is a privilege…I will definitely be getting one of your cakes for my 30th next year… Xx

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