3 delicious ways to use up stale cake

French toast, truffles and more!

We know that throwing away stale cake feels like a travesty. So we are sharing our favourite ways to make use of cake that’s past its best. Of course, here at Anges de Sucre, we feel like cake never belongs in the bin. Ideally, all cake should be enjoyed before it goes stale – with gusto and without holding back. But the reality is sometimes you might end up with some stale pieces. It happens to the best of us. So here are three fantastic ways to transform dry old cake into something delicious once again. It’s basically magic!


1. Cake French Toast

This always goes down a treat in our house, and makes for an indulgent treat of a breakfast or a great dessert. Plus it calls for ingredients you’re already likely to have in the house, reducing your hassle to cake ratio significantly.

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake French Toast

You’ll need:

Slices of stale cake (hero sponge is great for this)

2 eggs

1 tbsp milk (whole or semi skimmed is fine)

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Knob of butter

Gently beat the eggs, milk and cinnamon together in a shallow dish until it’s combined. Drop your stale cake slices into the mixture and let them soak up the liquid. Turn over the cake after 30 seconds or so, so both sides are covered. Heat a knob of butter in a frying pan and then gently lower the cake slices into the pan. Fry on both sides until evenly golden brown. Remove from the pan and serve with whatever toppings you like – we love whipped cream or Greek yoghurt, fruit and a drizzle of Maple syrup!

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake French Toast with fruit

2. Cake truffles

Cake + truffles = heaven in a mouthful. These truffles are great to whip up if you don’t have piles of cake leftover but want to extend the cakey joy a bit further.

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake Truffles

You’ll need:

Slices of stale sponge

1 tbsp of buttercream

Melted chocolate

Crumble the stale sponge into a mixing bowl, and then fold into the buttercream. You want it to come together as a soft dough, but without a dry texture. Roll the mixture into 1-2 inch balls.

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake Truffles - Cake Crumb Dough

Pierce them with a cocktail stick and then dip into melted chocolate to coat.

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake Truffles - Dip Cake Crumb Dough Balls in Chocolate

Place on baking parchment to set.


3. Cake rusks

There’s nothing quite like a good slice of cake with a cup of tea or coffee. But when you find your cake is a little on the dried-out side, your heart might sink. No longer, our cake-loving friends. This recipe will create a gorgeous rich biscuit that is perfect for Elevenses… Twelves… you get the picture! Think of it as a kind of a more cakey biscotti. Absolutely delicious. Plus check out the recipe list – you’ve definitely got everything you need.

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake Rusk

You’ll need:

Stale slices of cake. That’s it!

Preheat your oven to 150º. Line a baking tray with baking parchment. Pop your slices of cake, about 2cm in thickness, on the lined tray.

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake Slices

Bake for 15 minutes, then turn over and bake for a further 5 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea, dunked.

Stale Cake Recipes - Cake Rusk dunked in tea

Skip the hassle and order cake online for a hassle-free cake delivery experience in London.

Do you have any ways you like to use up stale cake? Or do you find there’s no stale cake ever hanging about in your house?! Let us know in the comments – and let us know what you think of these recipes too!

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