Fake Bakes Recipe - Aldi Mint Chocolate Chip Cake

Mint Chocolate Chip is more than a flavour - it’s a core memory. My teenage years? 70% Baskin Robbins, 30% questionable fashion choices. I thought I may have been the only weirdo that had this attachment to what is probably akin to the marmite of confectionery... but when we launched our Mint Choc Chip cake it was selling like literal hot (birthday) cakes!

Mint Choc Chip Birthday Cake London Delivery

My first Aldi Fake Bake haul? Like stepping into Willy Wonka’s factory, but on a budget.. Whilst it was an Aldi Local, where I hear the stock is more limited (and perhaps slightly more expensive?) than the regular Aldi's, I was still VERY impressed with what I could grab within the strict £10 budget! In my first haul I grabbed two chocolate cakes, a tub of chocolate flavour frosting, two bags of Aero Peppermint balls, and two of the fake Aldi's own brand mint aero "bubble" bars. It came well under a tenner, so I ran back in and picked up a big batch of choc chip muffins too! £9.94 total. Result.
Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - Aldi Ingredients

I thought I had peaked in my Fake Bake Challenge journey with my Sainsbury's Choc Orange...but I have just usurped its lead position with Aldi's Mint Choc Chip! I don’t care if you think mint choc chip is toothpaste - this cake is a certified stunner. Half-made by a toddler too at that!
Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe


Fake Bake Recipe - Mint Choc Chip Cake


2x Ready-made Round Chocolate Layer Cakes (5" or 6" size)

1 tub (400g) of ready-made Chocolate flavour frosting

2 bags of Aero Peppermint balls

2 bars of mint choc bubble

Double Choc Chip muffins  


1. Prepare the cake decorating station with a cake turntable, angled palette knife, cake scraper, a cake board, a tablespoon, a piping bag fitted with a small star nozzle, a knife and a spatula.  

2. Unbox the cakes. Smear a dollop of frosting in the middle of the cake board on the turntable, and then place one of the layer cakes on the board. Remove any paper wrapping along the edges.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - chocolate cake 

3. Decant half the frosting into a bowl and warm it over a double boiler or in the microwave (10 second blasts).

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - melt frosting

Whip the rest of the frosting into the melted frosting to a spreadable consistency.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - whip frosting

Scrape off the factory-applied chocolate curls - they’re in the way of greatness. This layer cake is already frosted on the top so you only need to spread a little bit of frosting to even it out.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - smoothed cake layer

4. Stack the second layer cake on top and remove any paper wrapping. Pipe the frosting around the cake.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - stack and ice cake

Run a cake scraper along the sides of the cake to smooth. Remove the chocolate curls from the top of the cake and smooth.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - fully frosted cake

5. Chop half a bag of peppermint aero balls with a knife.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - chop mint choc balls

Crust the base of the frosted cake with the chopped peppermint aero ball crumble until halfway up. Move fast - mint chocolate has the structural integrity of a snowflake in July.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - crust with mint choc ball crumble

6. Make the Mint Choc water ganache drip. Melt half a mint choc bubble bar and a handful of aero mint choc balls over a double boiler or in a microwave safe bowl at 30 seconds at a time, stirring between each blast.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - melt mint chocolate in double boiler

Heat 3 tablespoons of water until just simmering and pour gently into the melted chocolate and stir to combine until smooth.  

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - make water ganache with warm water

7. Scoop the middles out of three double choc muffins using either a cupcake corer, melon baller or a small paring knife. 

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - remove muffin cores

Fill the muffin cores with the mint choc ganache and chill them in the fridge to set.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - fill muffin cores

8. Pour a tablespoon of mint choc ganache along the sides of the cake. Use the back of the spoon to push drips gently over the edge. Flood the middle.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - drip

9. Place the muffins on top of the cake. 

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - place muffins

Fit a piping bag with a small star nozzle tip and fill with the remaining frosting. Pipe swirls over the top of the muffins.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - frost muffins
Sprinkle the tops of the frosted muffins with mint choc ball crumble.
Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - decorate muffins

Pipe frosting swirls around the cake.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - decorate with mint choc balls and bars

Decorate with the mint choc balls and bars.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - toppings

I'm SO impressed by this Fake Bake. The contrast of the beautiful green against the chocolate works so well and it's really hard to believe this cost under a tenner.

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - feature image

The best bit about this cake? The mint choc ganache filled muffins! Look at that gooey centre!

Fake Bake Mint Choc Chip Cake Recipe - sliced

I might as well retire now that I’ve peaked. I won’t, of course - I need to see how far I can push this madness. 

Not up for the challenge? No judgment - our luxury Mint Choc Chip cake is here to rescue you. And yes, it’s just as stunning.

Lots of love,

Reshmi xoxo 

View all our Fake Bakes 

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