Cakeage, aka cake-cutting charges, are a fee levied by restaurants when a customer brings their own birthday cake in to cut and serve at the end of their birthday meal, anywhere from £3.50 to a whopping £9 per head in London. It’s similar to the more commonly seen corkage charges at some BYOB restaurants where they charge a fee to uncork and serve wine or beer brought in by the customer but somehow the idea and even practice of cakeage is far more contentious than corkage. So contentious that even our own household is divided on it.


Birthday Cake Mayfair


Hence I thought to put forward our arguments to perhaps bring a more balanced view to the cakeage controversy as both husband and I are so poles apart on it. 

Cakeage Controversy

Husband POV

I’ll break it down into three points. Firstly, the argument often used that it costs extra is poppycock - the additional cost to the restaurant is negligible, their staff will be working anyway, there is no extra rent due etc. The additional cost is basically only the cost of the extra washing up and maybe a few minutes of staff time. I can understand if you were to apportion the costs exactly you could argue otherwise, but it’s an add-on that requires no investment by the restaurant. That said I know how difficult the food industry is with restaurant closures all over the place and can completely appreciate the temptation to charge, I just feel it will deter people which would only cost them more.


Birthday Cake Portions


Secondly, the line of reasoning that there is a loss of sales because the cake replaces the dessert is weak at best. Most people at a birthday party will have the cake in addition to dessert, but more importantly, the restaurant wouldn’t be making any money at all if there wasn’t a birthday party which the cake is an inherent part of. If a bunch of people randomly came into a restaurant and wanted cake to be served to them and it wasn’t a birthday party then that’s a completely different matter. But since that would be really weird and this would never happen, who cares.

Now with these two points addressed I can actually get to the crux of my reasons to disagree with cakeage - it’s just miserable, plain and simple. While it may not be profiteering, who wants to make money like this. The world’s a dark enough place without making it that bit more miserable by charging someone on their birthday to slice and serve a bit of cake that cost the restaurant nothing. Cakeage fees, to me, represent a lack of compassion and kindness to your fellow persons which is more important than ever. And if there is a small but genuine cost to the restaurant, is that so bad for something so sincerely lovely as the celebration of a person? Is ‘giving’ such a bad thing? And it’s tight and I don’t like tight people. They’re annoying to be around.  


Birthday Cake in London Bridge Restaurant  

Wife POV

I can see how cakeage can be a killjoy but if I had a restaurant I would hundo p have a cakeage charge. Other than the obvious reason that I’d be potentially losing out on desserts ordered off our carefully made menu as the customers have brought their own delicious cake in, I’d also have to deal with having to take delivery of it plus the responsibility of keeping it safe in storage until the meal. Not to mention, have the serving staff bring the cake in, wait till the singing and picture taking has been done (which in this Instagram generation can take AGES, cuz you gotta get that perfect gram with the cake...and why wouldn’t you want to when they look as gorgeous as ours), then take it away to cut it in portions and serve them on individual plates with cutlery and then there is the clearing and washing up.


Birthday Cakes Stored


It IS extra work (and considerably more than opening a few bottles with regards to corkage), and when a lot of birthdays are celebrated on weekends when restaurants are at their busiest (with multiple special occasions no doubt!), it adds on more pressure on the staff. So to do all the extra work involved in serving a birthday cake for free, the added responsibility, plus the possible expense of missing out on having desserts off the menu...I can’t say it’s unreasonable for restaurants to charge a cakeage fee at all.


Debating this with my husband, we can appreciate both sides of the cakeage coin but still have our overriding sentiments in place. As a cake business obviously we want our cakes served at birthdays in all restaurants and venues so hope the value placed on our cakes in terms of the memories they’ll make (and gorgeous photos to mark the event!) is far greater than the cakeage charges.


Birthday Cake in London Restaurant


So whose side of the cakeage coin are you on - mine or hubby’s? Would you choose to have your birthday meal in a restaurant that charges cakeage, seek elsewhere, or go without (noooooo)?! What is the maximum you’d consider paying per person? Are there any other sides to the cakeage coin we are missing? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below. I’m obviously hoping you’re team Shmii cuz I hate losing to hubby on any debate!


Lots of love,

Reshmi xoxo


Hungry for a Birthday Cake? View the Range

8 Responses



October 14, 2022

I’m just wondering if I can bring my work over for the husband to do for me? I mean he’ll be working anyway so it’s only going to take a few more minutes right?



September 28, 2022

I’m really sorry, but I think your hubby’s arguments are borderline influencer wanting free cake. When did wanting to be paid for services you provide to strangers become MEAN? Eat the cake at home if you don’t want to pay them for storing, cutting, serving, cleaning and taking up a table.



September 28, 2022

Bringing a cake into a restaurant and expecting them to create that celebration experience for you is pretty presumptuous.

Book a restaurant table and eat their food. That restaurants dining experience takes sooo much to put together for you. Genuine passion and sweat on a daily basis.

If it’s mean to add a price to cover the costs of lost revenue, how mean is it to ask hospitality folk and independent businesses to do stuff for free when the industry is in tatters post lock downs.

(I don’t expect that the Ivy is struggling btw, if they are, maybe that’s reflective of their shambolic branding 😂)



September 28, 2022

I lean more towards your husbands POV. Having worked in hospitality, it honestly isn’t that bad serving cake. In all honesty it got me out of a few situations like rude customers and polishing cutlery! You make the party aware that the cake can’t be refrigerated and we bare no responsibility should something happen I.e. not stored correctly or a toddler from the party table flying at it for a handful. Ultimately it’s kept in a box, in a desert kitchen and not touched until later.
However, lighting candles is a skill in its own! For that alone I would have a singular charge of £5.
A cakage charge is fair when it’s not per person, at that point you’re already slicing and serving it so the amount of people matters very little. What would you do if they refused to pay for more than two people on a table of ten? Only give cake to the two people?
So a singular charge I can get behind but per person? It’s a money grab



July 08, 2022

I’m just going to counter Husband’s 3 rd point. If you choose to spend your money on a cake elsewhere and then bring it in to a restaurant that’s primary source of income is selling food and drink, then you are choosing not to spend that money in the restaurant where you will be spending your time. To me that is plain rude. Like bringing in your own coffee and expecting the venue to play host but you have already spent the money elsewhere. Like bringing some beer bottles from the supermarket into the pub and drinking them there. Even if the pub is empty and you are not taking up a paying customer’s space, it is still rude. Is it really mean-spirited to try and earn money in your chosen profession, ie selling food and drink, and being pilloried just because a customer thinks they are entitled not to buy the cakes or desserts that are on offer?

September 26, 2021

I can see that it does involve extra cost for the restaurant but it also feels mean. I have just enquired at a restaurant and the fee is €4 per person which would be €32 for our group. My response is grand we will skip the desserts, tea and coffee and come home for tea and cake. I’m not mad on cake so would probably have ordered a dessert and tea. My husband would have ordered an extra drink and everyone would have ordered tea or coffee with the cake.
I think restaurants should see cake cutting as a goodwill service that will create wonderful memories and great publicity as photos are shared. Put a discreet sign by the cake and your brand will be associated with fun, joy and celebration.
Charging creates a bad taste in the mouth, if you pardon the pun.



April 14, 2019

We booked a restaurant for my friends Hen do and they charged £35 cakeage! Needless to say our hen isn’t getting a cake…! That’s extorationate. £5-£10 fine if they have to charge but £35 costs more than some cakes themselves!



April 13, 2019

I too can see both sides of it however, sorry Reshmi, I am leaning more towards husband POV. If the birthday group weren’t there, the restaurant wouldn’t have the income from the food and drinks. People may not want a dessert anyway but they will have a slice of cake to be polite! However, I can see that there are costs for the staff and the washing up SO if they HAVE to be miseries and charge, £9 pp is EXTORTIONATE!!! Maybe a couple of quid to cover costs but no more! :)

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